Friday, March 21, 2008

Created for Fellowship with God

Recently I heard someone say, "If you don't have enough time to wait on the Lord, you are moving to fast." As a son/daughter this doesn't mean we ask our Father for something in prayer and then go watch TV until He answers. The word "wait" means to "be joined to or to be braided." In Isaiah 40:31 it says, "...those who wait on the Lord..." Those individual sons/daughters who will plan time to be in fellowship with the Lord are waiting on Him. Those who will braid themselves to the Lord. When someone braids their hair they will take several strands of hair and weave them together to make one strand. When we set aside time to fellowship with the Lord we are not being lazy or wasting time. It is in this time of being aware of His presence that He will reveal to us more and more that we are His son/daughter.

Our Father is waiting on us. He wants to be in fellowship with us. He wants to reveal His heart to us. In Luke 15:11-32 we see a father's heart wanting fellowship with his sons. The first son had gone from his father's presence in pursuit of his own desires, but the father didn't write this kid off. Every day he looked for his boy to come home. When that boy came to himself and went back to his , we see the father's response. He ran to his son. He didn't put him on probation. His heart was so full to the brim with love for his son, he fell on his neck and kissed him. This father wasted no time to restore their fellowship. The second son was way to busy to fellowship with his dad. That same father went out to this son. Even in the middle of his son's pity party, jealousy and complaining, this father was wanting to restore their fellowship.

Our Father rescued us from the world to live in daily fellowship with us. When we sit down in a chair, close our eyes and say, "Father can we fellowship now?" He doesn't say, "Come back later, I'm busy with this revival meeting in Africa." He has been waiting for this moment. He loves your fellowship. He enjoys being with you. There is no one on the planet that can worship Him like you can. He knows your voice. There is no one else that can say, "Thank You, Father" like you can. When you say, "Father, I love You and I worship You," you have just connected yourself to His heart. It is wonderful to be His son/daughter.


Mary said...

Yes, it is wonderful to be His daughter. I love Him and am proud to be in His family. He is my Savior, my friend and my Lord.


Susan said...

Finally finding time to getting around to reading your blog posts. Very good.
Susan & Mickey