Sunday, May 11, 2008

A Great Camping Spot

Let me recommend a great camping spot. This is one of the most beautiful places on the planet. It is not going to cost you big bucks to get there or to stay there. The view of the Kingdom of God is absolutely spectacular. You won't feel crowded or have to stand in line for anything. Plan on spending, at the very least, a weekend. If you can't make it for a full weekend, at least try to spend a day. You may want to plan several outings. You may even what to move in for a month or two. Each time you spend there will be well worth your time. At this location you will begin to discover how much God, your Father, loves you.

The camping place is the book of 1st John. This book was written by the Holy Spirit through a man that lived for God is whole adult life. He personally knew Jesus. In fact when he was a very young man he literally heard Jesus' heart beat when he laid his head on His chest. He wrote this book about 90 AD. He was a older man who had a crystal clear revelation of the love of God.

The same Teacher, the Holy Spirit, now wants to reveal what is in here. It will cost you some time alone. Here are a few of suggestions. Saturday morning get up and read 1 John out loud all the way through without stopping or trying to understand every little detail. Ask your Teacher to help you keep your mind from drifting. Take a coffee break or orange juice or whatever you prefer. Then go back through and do it again. Read it out loud non-stop. Take another break and try to get in one more round before lunch. Grab some lunch and a nap. Then repeat the process in the afternoon. Get some supper and try to get in a couple more times in the evening.

On Sunday try to get in a round or two before church. After church try to get in several more rounds. What you are doing is setting up an opportunity for the Teacher to begin to speak to you what is written in this book. It will be up to you and your Teacher how many times He wants you to do this. Then if you would like to take it a step further, while you read this book pray in the Spirit softly, in a whisper.

It will be in this process of meditating the Word of God, that your Teacher will begin to give you fresh understanding of how much your Father loves you. Enjoy the views!


Reva said...

Hello Sunny. I like your camping ideas. It can even be done in the mountains while really camping, whether alone or with family. Glad you are joinging the blogging world. There is a place for everyone. I'm sure there are groups you could place your blog on to reach more people if you wanted.
Later-- your best sister in-law. Oh, yeah, I guess I'm your only sister-inlaw, huh, or well, at least I'm the oldest for sure.

Susan said...

Such a great post here, Sunny.
Susan & Mickey